Enhancing Clinical Judgment in Nursing Practice: A Review of Evidence-Based Strategies for Saudi Arabian Healthcare Settings

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Madeed Mutar Aljameeli,Hala Mohammad Albiji,Amina Salem Omar Alshamry,Hamoud Raka Ayada Almoteri,Dalal Safaq Mosahep Aldefry,Mohammed Mutar Aljameeli ,Reem Mohammed AlMutairy


Clinical judgment is a critical competency for nurses to provide safe, effective, and patient-centered care. However, the development and application of clinical judgment in nursing practice face several challenges, particularly in the context of Saudi Arabian healthcare settings. This systematic review aims to synthesize the current evidence on the strategies for enhancing clinical judgment in nursing practice, with a focus on the enablers, barriers, and interventions relevant to the Saudi Arabian context. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using relevant databases, and 60 studies were included in the review. The findings highlight the effectiveness of various educational and organizational strategies in improving nurses' clinical judgment skills and performance, such as simulation-based learning, reflective practice, and evidence-based decision-making. The review also identifies the individual, organizational, and contextual factors that influence the development and application of clinical judgment in Saudi Arabian nursing practice, such as nurses' knowledge, experience, and attitudes, as well as the organizational culture, resources, and support for evidence-based practice. Strategies for optimizing the enablers and addressing the barriers to clinical judgment in Saudi Arabian nursing practice are discussed, including the integration of clinical judgment in nursing education and professional development, the promotion of a supportive organizational culture and leadership for evidence-based practice, and the engagement of nurses in the design and implementation of clinical judgment interventions. The review concludes with recommendations for policy, practice, and research to support the enhancement of clinical judgment in Saudi Arabian nursing practice.

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