Addressing Non-Communicable Diseases in Saudi Arabia: Nursing Strategies for Prevention and Control in The Vision 2030 Era

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Ali Saud Aljameeli,Thuraya Talib Albiji,Mashael Sulaiman Aljameeli,Remma Gumaan Alshahrani,Afrah Mutar Aljameeli,Faiyza Hizam Aljameeli,Ahmad Zaal A. Aldhafeeri


Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have emerged as a major public health challenge in Saudi Arabia, accounting for a significant burden of morbidity and mortality. The Kingdom's Vision 2030 strategic plan has identified the prevention and control of NCDs as a key priority for healthcare transformation. Nurses, as the largest group of healthcare professionals, play a critical role in addressing the NCDs epidemic through various strategies and interventions. This systematic review aims to synthesize the current evidence on the nursing strategies for the prevention and control of NCDs in Saudi Arabia, in the context of the Vision 2030 reforms. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using relevant databases, and 60 studies were included in the review. The findings highlight the effectiveness of various nursing strategies in addressing NCDs, such as health promotion and education, screening and early detection, disease management and care coordination, and policy advocacy and leadership. The review also identifies the enablers and barriers to the implementation of these strategies in the Saudi Arabian context, such as the organizational culture and support, the nurses' knowledge and skills, and the collaboration and engagement with other stakeholders. Strategies for optimizing the role of nurses in NCD prevention and control are discussed, including the integration of NCD competencies in nursing education and practice, the empowerment and recognition of nurses as leaders and change agents, and the alignment of nursing strategies with the Vision 2030 goals and priorities. The review concludes with recommendations for policy, practice, and research to support the effective contribution of nurses to the prevention and control of NCDs in Saudi Arabia.

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