The Role of Nursing In Achieving The Sustainable Development Goals of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030: Systematic Literature Review

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Sarah Abdullah Aljuaid, Hailah Ali Yahia Hazazi, Ayat Radi Bu Mozah, Asalah Omar Ali Haqawi, Najwa Atya Safhi, Fatima Mohammad Mutanabbik, Sarah DakhilAllah Alabsi, Mashael Salman Alabsi, Salmah Salman Alabsi, Sharifah Yahya Heba.


Background: Achieving significant healthcare reforms in Saudi Arabia is in line with the (Sustainable Development Goals) SDGs, as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 intends to realize. The goals of health promotion, chronic disease management, maternal and public health are particularly important to advance, and to this end nursing makes a valuable contribution. However, work force shortages, deficiency of professional development and resources are restricting the full potentials of nursing in contributing to SDGs.

Aim: This review systemically appraised nursing’s contribution and role in realizing the SDGs within the context of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 by exploring nursing’s contribution, as well as challenges, and strategies in improving nursing’s impact in achieving the SDGs.

Method: The search was conducted systematically in four major databases (PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL and Google Scholar) for the studies published between 2020 and 2024. Ten primary research articles were chosen, i.e. qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods studies. The data were analyzed thematically to synthesize their contribution to nursing SDG, challenges, and recommend strategies.

Results: The review further revealed that nursing has a critical role in SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and SDG 10 (Reduced inequalities). Promoting health, maternal and child health and chronic disease management is facilitated by nurses. Despite this, they are constrained by shortages in the workforce and lack of opportunity for leadership. Insufficient nursing education, insufficient leadership opportunities and workforce shortages were outlined as crucial to building nursing’s role.

Conclusion: Education, leadership, and policy advocacy is needed to strengthen the nursing profession in order to achieve Saudi Vision 2030, as well as the SDGs.


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