The Influence of Cultural Competence on Healthcare System: A Comprehensive Literature Review Preserving the future of the Healthcare workers

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Ramzi Hider Rayani, Muhammad Ramzan, Mohammed Salman Almutairi, Hasan Gahshour Mohzari, Asmaa Abdu Hazazi, Jalilah Habib Mahdi Al-Mutlaq, Abdou Ali Sowide, Mohmaed Mohamed Zameem, Yasser Ali Khoshaim, Aisha Mohammad Ali Mathkur, Abed Abdullah Roziq Alsufiani, Amani Yahya Abdullah Assiri.


Background: Growing cultural and linguistic diversity is increasingly recognized as challenging to healthcare systems, while cultural competence is increasingly recognized as a critical component of those systems. Cultural competence promotes equity and inclusion which, in turn, optimize patient outcomes and affect health worker sustainability. Despite this, implementing employee safety checklists for tackling impairment issues is challenged by limitations of resources such as time and money and resistance to change.

Aim: This systematic review aims to establish the influence of cultural competence on the healthcare systems, in particular on patient outcomes, healthcare worker well-being, and organization sustainability.

Method: PRISMA guidelines were followed in a systematic review of studies published between 2020 to 2024. The literature search was performed in databases such as PUBMED, SCOPUS, and Web of Science, choosing 10 high quality studies. The findings were synthesized according to themes of patient outcomes, healthcare worker sustainability and implementation strategies.

Results: The review found that development of culturally competent practice significantly increases patient satisfaction, treatment adherence and reduces health disparities. Greater job satisfaction, less stress, and more professional confidence are also there for healthcare workers. Organizational support, targeted training and community engagement in the implementation strategies. Resistance to change and resource constraints remain issues; yet systemic integration and leadership support continue to be needed.

Conclusion: Achieving cultural competence is critical for a just and sustainable healthcare work environment and equitable healthcare systems. Although there are challenges in implementing cultural competence of healthcare policies and practices, they bring about changed patient care and effectual organization. In future, cultural competence should spread into long term effects, interdisciplinary approach and context specific solutions.

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