The Role of Robotics in Modern Nursing: Enhancing Patient Outcomes and Operational Efficiency

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Muneef Oweyad Ahmad Alsuqayri, Ali Ahmed Mashi, Adel Ahmed Kariri, Laila Hassan Omer Tohari, Amnah Yahia Kadomy, Ahlam Muhammed Jebril Qadri, Mohammed Hamdi Alonazi, Abdu Abdullah Ahmed Otayf, Sharifah Saeed Asiri, Mohammed Ayel Mohammed Moayedi.


Background: Applying robotics in health sector is gradually gaining grounds largely due to demands created by increasing number of patients on one hand and breaching health workforce shortage on the other hand. Robotics in nursing have a potential of assist daily nursing activities, enhance patient care and increase productivity. However, its integration poses some issues such as ethical issues, the requirement of skillfulness, and the still-relevant role of the human factor in care.

Aim: This review aims at investigating the impact of robotics on the quality of the existing and new nurses’ care delivery and the general working productivity as well as the reaction of the workforce of nursing to this new technology.

Method: Research papers from academic peer-reviewed journals, grey literature such as policy documents and reports, and case studies published from 2020 to 2024 were reviewed. Some of the main topics revolved around patients, reduction of the burden, and nurses’ point of view.

Results: A large number of studies have shown that robotics reduces stress and burden on the nurses, minimizes repetitious work, and enhances patient surveillance, particularly in acute care. However, challenges exist, and they include; privacy concerns, depersonalization of care, and lack of evidence on the training of robots. Interestingly, novice staff were more accepting of robotics than experienced staff, indicating a generation gap.

Conclusion: Robotics can be beneficial for nurses and it could improve the results of patient care, however, the role of a caring person, which makes the main difference between the healthcare systems, should not be forgot. The integration of robotic technology in nursing need strong ethical principles and complete training to achieve its desired goals.

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