Ethics of Care: An Authentic Approach to the Islamic Concept The stage of old age as a model

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Hadjira Chebli


This article deals with the topic of ethics of care as a relatively new philosophy, which is an applied ethics based on a value system that deals with relationships between individuals or entities. The ethics of care has attracted considerable attention, particularly within contemporary Western philosophy, and is seen as a promising alternative to traditional and idealistic ethical theories that dictate what ought to be. These philosophical approaches are often transcendent and detached from reality, failing to address the needs of individuals for each other in order to sustain human existence. Therefore, this article aims to present an authentic approach to the ethics of care and its manifestations within the Islamic worldview and its practical applications. The focus is on the stage of old age as a practical and effective model for this ethic, highlighting the need of the elderly for an ethic of care. Old age is a sensitive and critical phase of human development in all societies, characterised by fragility, weakness and health, mental, emotional and social decline. However, the Islamic perspective proposes a qualitative form of appropriate treatment for this age group, characterised by a dignified approach rooted in deep Islamic cultural values, which provides compassion for the elderly to prevent them from becoming victims of need, decline and mistreatment.

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