Using Association Rules based Apriori Algorithm for Student’s Learning, Behavior, and Activity

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Andino Maseleno, Miftachul Huda, Chotirat Ann Ratanamahatana


This research aims to determine the tendency of a student to answer questions related to learning, behavior and activity. Data from the results of this study can be developed to assess a student's creativity. In this study, we used a questionnaire containing 30 questions to find out about students' learning, behavior, and activity. The questions in this questionnaire are related to multicultural education, with scores between 0 - 10 for the answer option. The questionnaire answers from 10 respondents was used to identify several types of association rules related to the answers data from the questionnaires given to the students, namely the values ​​of support and confidence, knowing the combination of items that students often answer. Calculations were performed using association rules based on the Apriori algorithm. From the results of this research, a set of rules is obtained that describes the tendency of a student to answer questions related to learning, behavior and activity.

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