Cell Shapes of the Human Body and Miniature Art as an Entry Point for Creating Contemporary Print Works

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Naglaa Muhammad Farouk Ahmed, Laila. Mohamed. Elwakeel


The various fields of plastic arts are considered the structural basis of the arts, from which the artist borrows structural systems and design foundations, by extracting vocabulary and elements of various types. The artist has a great position in interpreting and analyzing structural relationships, reformulating them into design systems and formulas, and opening the way for artists to access diverse inputs for their artistic designs. By understanding and realizing the relationships between the forms and elements present in the plastic arts, and interacting with these elements and reformulating them anew in a way that preserves their basic form,

The current research studies an important element of the arts, which is the art of miniatures and their relationships with the different shapes and cells of the human body. In this context, the current research has turned to a new idea, which is the art of miniatures and their relationships with the different shapes and cells of the human body.

And its various forms and plastic values. A new entrance to the search for structural coordination in order to contain a degree of formal, compositional, tactile and linear diversity that depends on various systems and plastic artistic values ​​such as (balance, diversity, Rhythm, unity, proportionality...) and it can result in aesthetic buildings, shapes, and plastic values ​​that contribute to enriching the printed painting using various printing techniques, including direct drawing technology (basic technology), digital printing technology, Thermal paper printing technology, silk screen technology (additional technologies).

Therefore, the researcher poses several questions, the most important of which is: Is it possible to combine the cell shapes of the human body and miniatures in making contemporary printing works? The research also aims to achieve two basic approaches, which are the entrance to showing the aesthetics of the miniature shapes, and the entrance concerned with the different cell shapes of the human body in the form of printed works of art created by By linking them to create contemporary designs to be used in printing posters to enrich the field of textile printing. Through these approaches, the meaning of miniatures and its various artistic forms was learned, and the different plastic values ​​of the miniature art forms were identified.

Explain how to connect them. One of the most important results we reached. Achieving plastic and aesthetic values ​​for the aesthetics of miniatures with the cells of the body and formulated in an artistic manner that combines spontaneity and intent in the field of hand-woven textile printing with the art of direct drawing in printing colors. The research is also based on the descriptive experimental method through the subjective experience of the research            

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